Ages 16-29
Spring 2020, Online

In this distance learning workshop student fellows will create personal journals of life during the outbreak.  They'll record video messages and interviews, take photographs, and write snippets of text all related to what they’re doing now that they weren't doing before.  This might be exploring nature, reading new books, researching new topics, or taking up a new hobby.  They might also address changes they witness around them in the city and country, sharing their responses to those changes.  Fellows will be required to connect with the instructor and the group at least twice per week to share progress, review peer material, ask questions, and receive feedback and instruction.  This communication might be via text, email, online platform, or a Google Hangout video call.  Fellows should expect to spend at least five hours per week on this workshop.  Their work will be shared over the course of the workshop on the BYFA Instagram Dateline Baltimore, and ultimately on the program website and through a virtual group exhibition.  Limited to 8 student fellows.

Jim Mahjoubian, Video Production Coordinator for the Baltimore City Public Schools, believes any young person with an interest in film should be given an opportunity to explore and find their voice. In fifteen years of production and education he's helped many former students move into the industry with passion and integrity.

David J. Anderson is a photographer, cinematographer, and editor originally from Franklin Township, NJ, now studying at Morgan State University. He hopes to continue his film ventures in Baltimore while helping those in his field.