Street photography is hard enough as it is. People around me seemed to think it was funny that I was shooting from the perspective of a dog. The camera was easy to operate -- I didn't have any problems there. It was interesting that I had to look through the optical viewfinder and frame every shot that way [without a digital viewfinder]. My favorite images were the picture of the flower and the picture of the house [with the garden path], but I ended up shooting from the dog's perspective, because there really wasn't much going on outside in the summer heat. I really loved the grey tones of this film. The images are a bit more green than what I typically see from desaturating a digital file, and the dynamic range is better compared to using a digital camera. The downside is that it's more time-consuming to do certain simple edits on film scans, such as cropping. Overall, it was definitely an experience I couldn't have using a digital camera.   

—Kenyetta Riddick

Dog Hunt
